Archive for the ‘ wellesley ’ Category

So, for my POLS class I wrote this thing on the South…

and it’s not like I write about that region often so I had to look up how to spell Arkansas as well. Anyway, the first two google results for KY

KY Brand Home


Life in These Wellesley Hills

(put through a few mobile posts that I never bothered to approve)

Life has been pretty hectic around here since my last few posts. I have spent a lot of time anxiously awaiting those imps (see below) to write the papers that have been due, and not only have they been very inconsistent in quality, but the long-eared one has actually left. The candidate search that ensued has been less than satisfactory. It is indeed hard to find help these days.

Can you spot the squirrel?

(it made the weirdest noises)

How My Papers are Written

For you see, it’s not I, sir, that write convoluted and confusing arguments (if there are indeed arguments in these papers), but these two (gay?) imps that churn out my papers in the early morn’ (meaning noon). I should like to make them clothes one day to thank them for their efforts, but perhaps…after graduation.

You have to wonder how exactly Toast is typing there…

(alright, back to bed before class!)

you should have seen how madly the little guy was chewing that apple core

the door of Jewish studies… I’d never much associated kittens with god’s chosen people, but hey


The result of 24 hours of panic. This photo doesn’t capture the full extent of the mess, but its composition was a bit better than the more representative ones. Heh.

I’m honestly a bit disappointed you can’t be a fan of Tom Brokaw on facebook. I can’t imagine how many members of the media have chided Obama and McCain to their faces

RIP Notorious BIG

The Hoop is certainly an interesting place, but it was the last place I expected this

Community always has the best pictures

A very good photoshop (I hope it’s a photoshop, anyway…it’s hard to say with these sorts of things and the Gov)