The result of 24 hours of panic. This photo doesn’t capture the full extent of the mess, but its composition was a bit better than the more representative ones. Heh.

I’m honestly a bit disappointed you can’t be a fan of Tom Brokaw on facebook. I can’t imagine how many members of the media have chided Obama and McCain to their faces

    • volatile
    • October 8th, 2008

    Hey, I just decided that I like Mitt Romney. Did you know he was CEO at Bain, and Bain Capital? Btw, Booz, Allen, Hamilton now refers exclusively to the US Government consulting practice; Booz & Co refers to the global management consulting practice. I only just found out recently – or I forgot. Apparently I don't take this too seriously – otherwise I get emo about it. One doesn't need five shirts, because one can wash shirts mid-week; one buys five shirts so that one can answer the "do you wear the same shirt everyday?" question by saying "no, I have five shirts that look exactly the same." Boom boom boom baby…. as long as you're having fun. šŸ™‚

    • Tracy
    • October 8th, 2008

    Looks alot cleaner than my room…and I’m talking about a good day.

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